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Fall of the New Age Premium Edition

Fall of the New Age Premium Edition

Fall of the New Age Premium Edition
In the dark times of the Medieval a baleful society of the Cult and its adherers strived to seize the rule over the city, control its inhabitants and destroy all sources of knowledge and culture. Help Marla uncover the secret conspiracy, release her
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Fall of the New Age Premium Edition

Mankind has just got out from the dark Middle Ages. Superstitions and fears still reign the minds of the majority of people, but the germs of science and culture rapidly emerge and grow stronger. But, as it turns out, it doesn’t play into the hands of some of those in power. They are willing to make every effort and use all means to prevent the development of noble minds. The coup brews after sudden death of King in one kingdom and childless Queen is in mortal danger. A group of officials, financiers - merchants, local mafia and some members of the highest ranks of police belong to secret cult, whose goal is the destruction of any educational programs and new scientific achievements, which were very supportive and strongly promoted by the deceased king.
They're going to kill the Queen and enthrone his person - cruel and ignorant bastard. Police behaves outrageously in the capital, bandits openly run their dirty deeds, officials drown in corruption and are busy with their own profit. Common people are dark, terrified and trying to survive in every possible way.


  • Multi-language edition
  • Original game world
  • Intriguing plot
  • 40 game locations
  • The world transforms during the walkthrough
  • 26 mini-games
  • More than 50 3D movies and cutscenes
  • Unique meta game about dressing to mask the main heroine
  • Meta game on collecting precious stones, to get fragments of knowledge, a deeper history of the world
  • 3 difficulty modes(normal, advanced and expert)
  • Achievements’ System

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Минимальная конфигурация
Процессор Intel/AMD Single Core @ 2.5 GHz
Оперативная память 2.05 GB
Операционная Система Windows XP SP3 / 7 / 8 / 8.1
Графика DirectX 9 compatible @ 64 MB
Звук Required
Место на диске 4 GB
DirectX 9.0,9.0c
Прочие требования Mouse, Keyboard
Рекомендованная конфигурация
Процессор Intel/AMD Dual Core @ 2.2 GHz
Оперативная память 4 GB
Операционная Система Windows XP SP3 / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10
Графика DirectX 9 compatible @ 128 MB
Звук Stereo, DirectX 9.0c compatible
Место на диске 4 GB
DirectX 9.0,9.0c
Прочие требования Mouse, Keyboard
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Подробно о продукте

Релиз на DLH
Jul. 25, 2014
Оригинальный релиз
Jul. 25, 2014
Shaman Games
Windows   MAC   Linux
EN | FR | DE | IT | ES | RU | KR
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