Dreamscapes: The Sandman - Premium Edition

Dreamscapes: The Sandman - Premium Edition

Dreamscapes: The Sandman - Premium Edition
This Premium Edition includes extra 15 locations (about 90 minutes of gameplay, telling the story of Professor Sanders - the first victim of Sandman), concept arts, game arts (wallpapers), screen savers, 9 game music
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Dreamscapes: The Sandman - Premium Edition

As a child, father often told Laura that she is special. But Laura's father died before her full age, and Laura didn’t knew what her father had said about her speciality. In memory of her father Laura kept as remembrance an amulet “the Dream catcher” - her father gave it to Laura since she was a little girl, as Laura complained that she has nightmares.

Suddenly her favorite Dream catcher disappears, and Laura falls asleep during her concert. The doctors shrug their shoulders - she fell into a liturgical dream, and in spite of all their efforts she’s not coming back to life. There it was the Professor Sanders offered his services.
We play for an Professor’s Assistant - volunteer, who offered himself to participate in the experiment, and bring Laura back to life.

With help of Professor’s invention - “the Dreams Machine” - the player will have to make the dangerous journey through the subconsciousness of Laura, find her, and try to get to wake up getting to know about the reasons why she fell into a coma.
Destroying Laura’s nightmares one after another, the player realizes that Laura guides him to her, leaving the pages from her diary and tips. Laura becomes stronger with every destroyed nightmare - it is seen by the fact that scary world transformes little by little.
Gradually, the player learns about the Sandman, the Dream Guardians, and the fact that Laura is chosen, the world was waiting her appearance for many years.
Having collected all Dream catcher, Laura plans to destroy the Sandman, and to interrupt the dreaded rite.
Now when Laura got her Dream catcher, the Sandman has no control over her, but he is furious and promises to revenge. And his next victim – Tim – the best friend of Laura. To be continued.

Collector's Edition

This Premium Edition includes extra 15 locations (about 90 minutes of gameplay, telling the story of Professor Sanders - the first victim of Sandman), concept arts, game arts (wallpapers), screen savers, 9 game music tracks.

Just Updated

Dear customers,

we're happy to announce, that Dreamscapes has been updated to a brand new build featuring many new languages. These include:

English, German, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Dutch, Portugal, Polish, Russian and Swedish.

You can change the language using the Language button in the Options menu.

Happy playing!

Key features

  • Original game world
  • An intriguing plot
  • 50 game locations
  • 16 mini-games
  • More than 50 3D movies and cutscenes
  • Unique meta-game on the beholders’ search (Hidden Object’s variation mechanics)
  • Meta-game on Dream catcher’s search (puzzle)
  • Meta-game on diary pages’ search with gaming events’ background
  • 2 game modes (normal and advanced)
  • Achievements’ System

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CPU Intel/AMD Single Core @ 2.0 GHz
RAM 1.02 GB
OS Windows XP SP3 / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10
Graphics 3D DirectX 9.0c compatible @ 32 MB
Sound Required
DirectX 9.0c
Misc Keyboard, Mouse
CPU Intel/AMD Dual Core @ 2.0 GHz
OS Windows XP SP3 / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10
Graphics 3D DirectX 9.0c compatible @ 64 MB
Sound Stereo, DirectX 9.0c compatible
HDD 2.5 GB
DirectX 9.0c
Misc Keyboard, Mouse
Other Information
This product is available as a Steam Key. To add this product to your Steam library, open your Steam Client (which can be downloaded at www.steampowered.com) and click on the bottom left “Add a game “ ”Activate a product on Steam” and type in the redemption code you received after your purchase.
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Product details

Release on DLH
Apr. 16, 2014
Original Release
Apr. 16, 2014
Shaman Games Studio
EN | FR | DE | IT | ES | RU | PL | JP | KR
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Pegi 12
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